Building upon a long tradition of scientifi c conferences dealing with problems of
reliability in technical systems, in 2006 Department of Computer Engineering at
Wrocław University of Technology established Dep Co S-RELCOMEX series of events
in order to promote a comprehensive approach to evaluation of system performability
which is now commonly called dependability.
Contemporary complex systems integrate variety of technical, information, soft ware
and human (users, administrators and management) resources. Their complexity
comes not only from involved technical and organizational structures but mainly from
complexity of information processes that must be implemented in specific operational
environment (data processing, monitoring, management, etc.). In such a case traditional
methods of reliability evaluation focused mainly on technical levels are insufficient and
more innovative, multidisciplinary methods of dependability analysis must be applied.
Selection of submissions for these proceedings exemplify diversity of topics that must
be included in such analyses: tools, methodologies and standards for modelling,
design and simulation of the systems, security and confidentiality in information
processing, specific issues of heterogeneous, today often wireless, computer networks,
or management of transportation networks. In addition, this edition of the conference
hosted the 5th Cr ISS-DESSERT Workshop devoted to the problems of security and
safety in critical information systems.
Tabella dei contenuti
Mutation Testing Process Combined with Test-Driven Development in NET Environment.- Boltzmann Tournaments in Evolutionary Algorithm For CAD of Complex Systems with Higher Degree of Dependability.- Arithmetic in the Finite Fields Using Optimal Normal and Polynomial Bases in Combination.-Development of Domain Model Based on SUMO Ontology.-Verification of UML Class Diagrams Against Business Rules Written in Natural Language.- Increased Safety of Data Transmission for ‘Smart’ Applications in the Intelligent Transport Systems.- Secure Hybrid Clouds: Analysis of Configurations Energy Efficiency Secure Hybrid Clouds: Analysis of Configurations Energy Efficiency.- Functional Readiness of the Security Control System at an Airport with Single-report streams.- Functional Readiness of the Check-in Desk System at an Airport.- Performance Issues in Creating Cloud Environment.-A Modified Clustering Algorithm DBSCAN Used in a Collaborative Filtering Recommender System for Music Recommendation.- Evaluation of the Location of the P&R Facilities Using Fuzzy Logic Rules.- Quadrotor Navigation Using the PID and Neural Network Controller.- On Supporting a Reliable Performance of Monitoring Services with a Guaranteed Quality Level in a Heterogeneous Environment.- Reducing Complexity Methods of Safety-related system.- Modeling and Reliability Analysis of Digital Networked Systems Subject To Degraded Communication Networks.- Maintenance Decision Making Process a Case Study of Passenger Transportation Company.- Supporting the Automated Generation of Modular Product Line Safety Cases.- Spatial ALLOCation of Bus Stops: Advanced Econometric Modelling.- The Modeling Algorithm of Communication Run Operations in a Network.- Failure Prediction in Water Supply System.- Freshness Constraints Semantics of RT Framework Credentials.- Logistic Support Model for the Sorting Process of Selectively Collected Municipal Waste.- Access Control Approach in Public Software as a Service Cloud.-Advanced Security Assurance Case Based on ISO/IEC 15408.-Application of Data Encryption for Building Modern Virtual Private Networks.- Defining States in Reliability and Safety Modelling.- Macroscopic Transport Model as a Part of Traffic Management Center: Technical Feasibility Study.- Reliability Assessment of Integrated Airport Surface Surveillance System.- A Group Decision Support Technique for Critical IT-Infrastructures.- Planning of Electric Power Distribution Networks with Reliability Criteria.- Selected Aspects of Modeling the Movement of Aircraft in the Vicinity of the Airport with Regard to Emergency Situations.- Identifying and Symulation of Status of an Ict System Using Rough Sets.- Popular FPGA Device Families in Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms.- Aspect-oriented Test Inputs Generation from Matlab/Simulink Models, Manel TEKAYA.- Ranking and Cyclic Job Scheduling in Qo S-guaranteed Grids.- Web Based Engine for Processing and Clustering of Polish texts.- Effectiveness of Providing Data Confidentiality in Backbone Networks Based on Scalable and Dynamic Environment Technologies.- Models for Estimating the Execution Time of Software Loops in Parallel and Distributed Systems.- Analysis of Different Aspects of Infomobility for Public Transport in Latvia.- Data Actualization Using Regression Models in Decision Support System for Urban Transport Planning.- New Parallel Algorithm for the Calculation of Importance Measures.- An Unloading Work Model at an Intermodal Terminal.- Cost-aware Request Batching for Byzantine Fault-tolerant replication.- Symbolic Analysis Of Timed Petri nets.