Autore: Xiao-Zhi Gao

Dr. Sasikumar Gurumurthy is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Systems engineering at Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College in Tirupati. His current interests include soft computing and artificial intelligence in biomedical engineering, human and machine interaction and applications of intelligent system techniques, new user interfaces, brain-based interactions, human-centric computing, fuzzy sets and systems, image processing, cloud computing, content-based learning and social network analysis. Dr Naresh Babu Muppalaneni is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering at Sree Vidhyanikethan Engineering College in Tirupati. He has 10 years of teaching and research experience. He received a research grant from DST under the Young Scientist scheme to work on “Identifying single drug multiple targets for diabetes”. His research interests are cryptology, computer networks and computational systems biology. Xiao-Zhi Gao received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 1993 and 1996, respectively. He earned a D.Sc. (Tech.) degree from the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland in 1999. He is currently a visiting researcher at the Machine Vision and Pattern Recognition Laboratory, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. He is also a guest professor at Beijing Normal University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Beijing City University, China. Dr. Gao has published more than 150 technical papers in refereed journals and for international conferences. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing and an editorial board member of the Journal of Applied Soft Computing, International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, and Journal of Hybrid Computing Research. Dr. Gao was the General Chair of the 2005 IEEE Mid-Summer Workshop on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications. His current research interests includeneural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computing, swarm intelligence, and artificial immune systems, together with their applications in industrial electronics.

26 Ebook di Xiao-Zhi Gao

Xiaolei Wang & Xiao-Zhi Gao: An Introduction to Harmony Search Optimization Method
This brief provides a detailed introduction, discussion and bibliographic review of the nature1-inspired optimization algorithm called Harmony Search. It uses a large number of simulation results to …
Sasikumar Gurumoorthy & Naresh Babu Muppalaneni: Computational Intelligence Techniques in Diagnosis of Brain Diseases
This book highlights a new biomedical signal processing method of extracting a specific underlying signal from possibly noisy multi-channel recordings, and shows that the method is suitable for extra …
Sasikumar Gurumoorthy & Bangole Narendra Kumar Rao: Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence
This book presents interdisciplinary research on cognition, mind and behavior from an information processing perspective. It includes chapters on Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Ma …
Ashish Kumar Luhach & Janos Arpad Kosa: First International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Computational Intelligence
This book gathers high-quality papers presented at the First International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Computational Intelligence (ICTSCI 2019), which was organized by Sri Balaji …
Xiao-Zhi Gao & Kamarul Bin Ghazali Hawari: Advanced Informatics for Computing Research
This two-volume set (CCIS 1075 and CCIS 1076) constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research, ICAICR 2019, held in Shimla, I …
Xiao-Zhi Gao & Kamarul Bin Ghazali Hawari: Advanced Informatics for Computing Research
?This two-volume set (CCIS 1075 and CCIS 1076) constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research, ICAICR 2019, held in Shimla, …
Vinit Kumar Gunjan & Sabrina Senatore: Advances in Cybernetics, Cognition, and Machine Learning for Communication Technologies
This book highlights recent advances in Cybernetics, Machine Learning and Cognitive Science applied to Communications Engineering and Technologies, and presents high-quality research conducted by exp …
Xiao-Zhi Gao & Shailesh Tiwari: Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology
This book features high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology (CICT 2019) organized by ABES Engineering College, Ghaziaba …
Xiao-Zhi Gao & G.R. Karpagam: Smart Cyber Physical Systems
Smart Cyber Physical Systems: Advances, Challenges and Opportunities ISBN: 9780367337889 Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are the new generation of collaborative computational entities, with a prime focu …
Xiao-Zhi Gao & G.R. Karpagam: Smart Cyber Physical Systems
Smart Cyber Physical Systems: Advances, Challenges and Opportunities ISBN: 9780367337889 Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are the new generation of collaborative computational entities, with a prime focu …
Xiao-Zhi Gao & Rajesh Kumar: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
This book presents best selected papers presented at the First Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (GCAIA 2020), organized by the University of Engineering & Management, Jai …
Xiao-Zhi Gao & Kamarul Hawari Bin Ghazali: Advanced Informatics for Computing Research
This two-volume set (CCIS 1393 and CCIS 1394) constitutes selected and revised papers of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research, ICAICR 2020, held in Gurugram …
Xiao-Zhi Gao & Kamarul Hawari Bin Ghazali: Advanced Informatics for Computing Research
This two-volume set (CCIS 1393 and CCIS 1394) constitutes selected and revised papers of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research, ICAICR 2020, held in Gurugram …
Arup Bhattacharjee & Samir Kr. Borgohain: Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences
This two-volume set (CCIS 1240-1241) constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences, MIND 2020, …
Arup Bhattacharjee & Samir Kr. Borgohain: Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences
This two-volume set (CCIS 1240-1241) constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences, MIND 2020, …
Ashish Kumar Luhach & Ramesh Chandra Poonia: Second International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Computational Intelligence
This book gathers high-quality papers presented at the Second International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Computational Intelligence (ICTSCI 2021) held at Graphic Era University, Dehradu …
Ch. Satyanarayana & Xiao-Zhi Gao: Machine Learning and Internet of Things for Societal Issues
This book highlights recent advance in the area of Machine Learning and Io T, and their applications to solve societal issues/problems or useful for various users in the society. It is known that man …
Ch. Satyanarayana & Debasis Samanta: High Performance Computing and Networking
This book comprises the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision, High-Performance Computing, Smart Devices, and Networks (CHSN 2021). This book highlights the high-quality …
Xiao-Zhi Gao & Shailesh Tiwari: Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology
This book features high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology (CICT 2021) organized by Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidya …
Siba K. Udgata & Srinivas Sethi: Intelligent Systems
This book features best selected research papers presented at the International Conference on Machine Learning, Internet of Things, and Big Data (ICMIB 2021) held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Techno …
Samiksha Shukla & Xiao-Zhi Gao: Data Science and Security
This book presents best selected papers presented at the International Conference on Data Science for Computational Security (IDSCS 2022), organized by the Department of Data Science, CHRIST (Deemed …
Xiao-Zhi Gao & Kamarul Bin Ghazali Hawari: Advanced Informatics for Computing Research
This volume constitutes selected and revised papers of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research, ICAICR 2021, held in Gurugram, India, in December 2021. The 17 …
Ch Satyanarayana & Xiao-Zhi Gao: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks
This book consists of selected peer-reviewed articles from the International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks (CHSN-2020), held at JNTU, Kakinada, …
Rajesh Doriya & Badal Soni: Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences, MIND 2021. The papers are organized acc …
Mohammed Usman & Xiao-Zhi Gao: Embracing Machines and Humanity Through Cognitive Computing and IoT
This book sheds light on systems that learn extensively, with purpose and naturally interact with humans. Improving operations and increasing competitive differentiation among manufacturing organizat …
Siba K. Udgata & Srinivas Sethi: Intelligent Systems
This book features best selected research papers presented at the Third International Conference on Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Big Data (ICMIB 2023) held at Indira Gandhi Institute of T …