Autore: Yee Leung

Francis Harvey has held academic positions at the University of Leicester, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, the Technical University of Warsaw, the École Polytechnique de Lausanne, University of Kentucky and currently the University of Minnesota. His work takes up fundamental questions in geography, cartography and GI Science connected to semantics, visualization and spatial technological design, implementation and use. Leung Yee’s research focuses on uncertainty analysis in general and imprecision analysis in particular and is broadly classified into three main areas: analysis of Uncertain Spatial Phenomena and Processes, Geographical Information Systems and Intelligent Spatial Decision Support Systems and Spatial Analysis and Spatial Data Mining. He is currently based at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

5 Ebook di Yee Leung

Francis Harvey & Yee Leung: Advances in Spatial Data Handling and Analysis
This book contains a selection of papers from the 16th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH), the premier long-running forum in geographical information science. This collection …
Yee Leung: Knowledge Discovery in Spatial Data
When I ?rst came across the term data mining and knowledge discovery in databases, I was excited and curious to ?nd out what it was all about. I was excited because the term tends to convey a new …
Anthony G.O. Yeh & Wenzhong Shi: Advances in Spatial Data Handling and GIS
This book provides a cross-section of cutting-edge research areas being pursued by researchers in spatial data handling and geographic information science (GIS). It presents selected papers on the …
Yee Leung: Intelligent Spatial Decision Support Systems
In the past half century, we have experienced two major waves of methodological development in the study of human behavior in space and time. The f Irst wave was the well known "quantitative …
Manfred M. Fischer & Yee Leung: GeoComputational Modelling
Geocomputation may be viewed as the application of a computational science paradigm to study a wide range of problems in geographical systems contexts.This volume presents a clear, comprehensive and …