Yehuda (Jean-Bernard) Moraly is an associate professor at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. His fields of research are mainly French theatre and film: Jean Genet, la vie écrite (Editions de la Différence, 1988); Claudel metteur en scène (Presses Universitaires de Franche Comté, 1998); Le Maître fou, Genet théoricien du théâtre, (Nizet, 2009). His L”œuvre impossible: Claudel, Genet, Fellini (Le Manuscrit, 2013) deals mostly with Fellini”s cinema. He is also a playwright and his plays are published and produced in France and Israel.
3 Ebook di Yehuda Moraly
Yehuda Moraly: Revolution in Paradise
The era of the German Occupation of France constituted, surprisingly, a golden age for the arts. These works of art seem to be devoid of political impact. The purpose of this book is to show that, co …
Yehuda Moraly: Revolution in Paradise
The era of the German Occupation of France constituted, surprisingly, a golden age for the arts. These works of art seem to be devoid of political impact. The purpose of this book is to show that, co …
Yehuda Moraly: Dream Projects in Theatre, Novels and Films
Every artist has a ‘dream project’ – an enterprise that he or she has continuously taken up but never completed. Via archived notes and drafts, a retrospective reconstitution of such projects can ser …