Prof. Yijun Yao is a professor at the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His major research interest involves site investigation, risk assessments and management of soil pollution. He is the author of several risk assessment tools, including the CVI2D and PVI2D toolkits, and Yao’s spreadsheet for risk assessments for contaminated sites. He graduated from Brown University with a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering in 2012.
Prof. Qiang Chen is an assistant researcher in Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, with a research focus on investigation and risk assessment of contaminated sites, environmental policy and decision making, and software development. He has a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Hohai University and is now pursuing a doctoral degree under the supervision of Prof. Yijun Yao.
1 Ebook di Yijun Yao
Yijun Yao & Qiang Chen: Vapor Intrusion Simulations and Risk Assessments
This book introduces key concepts in modeling and risk assessments of vapor intrusion, a process by which the subsurface volatile contaminants migrate into the building of concern. Soil vapor intrusi …