Zack Hunt is a popular blogger, writer, and ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene. His writing has appeared in <i>Huffington Post</i>, <i>Christianity Today</i>, and <i>Relevant</i>, and he has been cited in places including <i>The Boston Globe</i> and <i>New York Magazine</i>. Hunt is a graduate of Yale Divinity School. He lives in Tennessee with his wife and two daughters. Connect with him at
2 Ebook di Zack Hunt
Zack Hunt: Unraptured
Are you rapture ready?As a teenager in the buckle of the Bible Belt, Zack Hunt was convinced the rapture would happen at any moment. Being ready meant never missing church, never sinning, and always …
Zack Hunt: Godbreathed
Could there be good news in biblical imperfections?What if the imperfections and contradictions in Scripture aren’t an accident? What if they were allowed to be there by the Holy Spirit in order to d …