10 Ebook di Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova
Radek Silhavy & Roman Senkerik: Modern Trends and Techniques in Computer Science
This book is based on the research papers presented in the 3rd Computer Science On-line Conference 2014 (CSOC 2014). The conference is intended to provide an international forum for discussion …
Radek Silhavy & Roman Senkerik: Software Engineering in Intelligent Systems
This volume is based on the research papers presented in the 4th Computer Science On-line Conference. The volume Software Engineering in Intelligent Systems presents new approaches and methods to rea …
Radek Silhavy & Roman Senkerik: Artificial Intelligence Perspectives and Applications
This volume is based on the research papers presented in the 4th Computer Science On-line Conference. The volume Artificial Intelligence Perspectives and Applications presents new approaches and meth …
Radek Silhavy & Roman Senkerik: Intelligent Systems in Cybernetics and Automation Theory
This volume is based on the research papers presented in the 4th Computer Science On-line Conference. The volume Intelligent Systems in Cybernetics and Automation Control Theory presents new approach …
Radek Silhavy & Roman Senkerik: Automation Control Theory Perspectives in Intelligent Systems
The volume Automation Control Theory Perspectives in Intelligent Systems presents new approaches and methods to real-world problems, and in particular, exploratory research that describes novel appro …
Radek Silhavy & Roman Senkerik: Software Engineering Perspectives and Application in Intelligent Systems
The volume Software Engineering Perspectives and Application in Intelligent Systems presents new approaches and methods to real-world problems, and in particular, exploratory research that describes …
Radek Silhavy & Roman Senkerik: Artificial Intelligence Perspectives in Intelligent Systems
This volume is based on the research papers presented in the 5 th Computer Science On-line Conference. The volume Artificial Intelligence Perspectives in Intelligent Systems presents modern trends an …
Radek Silhavy & Petr Silhavy: Software Engineering Trends and Techniques in Intelligent Systems
This book presents new approaches and methods to solve real-world problems as well as exploratory research describing novel approaches in the field of software engineering and intelligent systems. &# …
Radek Silhavy & Roman Senkerik: Artificial Intelligence Trends in Intelligent Systems
This book presents new methods and approaches to real-world problems as well as exploratory research that describes novel artificial intelligence applications, including deep learning, neural network …
Radek Silhavy & Roman Senkerik: Cybernetics and Mathematics Applications in Intelligent Systems
This book presents new methods for and approaches to real-world problems as well as exploratory research describing novel mathematics and cybernetics applications in intelligent systems. It focuses o …