Author: J. Inman

JULIE M. ALBRIGHT Lecturer in Sociology, University of Southern California, USA WILLIAM R. CUPACH Professor of Communication, Illinois State University USA DÀNIELLE NICOLE DEVOSS Associate Professor and Director of Professional Writing, Michigan State University, USA BEVERLY DOLINSKY Professor of Psychology, Endicott College, USA ALICE HORNING Professor of Rhetoric and Linguistics, Oakland University, Rochester, USA ROBERT A. JERIN Professor of Law and Justice, Endicott College, USA ROBIN M. MATHY Oxford University KATELYN Y. A. MCKENNA (Yael Kaynan) Senior Lecturer in the Departments of Communication at Ben-Gurion University and The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel SUSANNA PAASONEN Assistant Professor in Digital Culture, University of Jyväskylä, Finland BRIAN H. SPITZBERG School of Communication, San Diego University, USA JENNIFER THALKEN currently working on her Special Education Teaching Credential at National University, California, USA DIANE KHOLOS WYSOCKI Professor of Sociology, University of Nebraska at Kearney, USA

1 Ebooks by J. Inman

M. Whitty & A. Baker: Online Matchmaking
Online Matchmaking examines the joys, fears, and disappointments of hooking up with people in cyberspace. Unlike many other books in the field, this collection includes studies by experts from a rang …