Leading Spiritually reviews workplace spirituality from revered streams such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism, but also from a stance of personal reflection, self-leadership, and powerful interpersonal relationships.
Table of Content
1. Wakeful at Work; Joan Marques 2. The Ethical and Spiritual Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gi?ta?; Satinder Dhiman 3. Spirituality at Work; M. Eileen Higgins 4. Three Dimensional Leaders; Birute Regine 5. Inviting Buddha to Work; Joan Marques 6. The Relationship of the Bases of Competence Skills to Workplace Spirituality; Frederick Evers 7. A Saint’s Clarion Call to Humankind; Satinder Dhiman 8: Evolution as a Spiritual Journey; Richard Barrett 9. Wisdom of a Leader; Keiko Krahnke, Sharon Clinebell, and Isaac Wanasika 10. Influences of Religion on Spirituality in the Workplace; Jerry Biberman and Joan Marques
About the author
Richard Barrett, Barrett Values Centre, UK Jerry Biberman, University of Scranton, USA Sharon K. Clinebell, University of Northern Colorado, USA Frederick T. Evers, University of Guelph, Canada M. Eileen Higgins, Frostburg State University, USA Keiko Krahnke, University of Northern Colorado, USA Birute Regine, Wellesley College, USA Isaac Wanasika, University of Northern Colorado, USA