Boguslaw Cyganek, AGH – University of Science and
Technology, Department of Computer Science, Signal Processing
Laboratory, Krakow, Poland
Boguslaw Cyganek has been teaching at the AGH – University
of Science and Technology since 1993 and is now a Lecturer and
Researcher in the Department of Electronics and Computer Science.
His research interests include the development of image processing
systems, robot vision and neural networks. During this time, he has
gained several years of practical experience working as a Software
Development Manager and a Software Engineer both in the USA and
Poland. He has also written Three Dimensional Image
Processing (Academic Publisher House, 2002) and 18 academic
papers on image processing and algorithms.
Paul Siebert, Department of Computing Science, University
of Glasgow, 3D-MATIC Research Laboratory, Scotland
Dr Jan Paul Siebert is currently Director of the 3D-MATIC
Research Laboratory in the Department of Computing Science at
Glasgow University. His research interests are in computer vision,
image processing, and 3D imaging by stereo photogrammetry and its
applications in 3D whole human body imaging. He is Scottish Chair
of the BMVC and prior to his current position he was Chief
Executive of the of the Turing Institute, Glasgow, which developed
the “C3D” imaging technology. He has written over 50
journal, technical and conference papers on 3D image processing,
modelling virtual images and photogrammetry.
2 Ebooks by J. Paul Siebert
Boguslaw Cyganek & J. Paul Siebert: An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms
Computer vision encompasses the construction of integrated vision systems and the application of vision to problems of real-world importance. The process of creating 3D models is still rather difficu …
Boguslaw Cyganek & J. Paul Siebert: An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms
Computer vision encompasses the construction of integrated vision systems and the application of vision to problems of real-world importance. The process of creating 3D models is still rather difficu …