Using heart transplantation as a metaphor, The Ultimate Donor illustrates what God has done for humanity through the death of Jesus. The paths of becoming a follower of Christ and a heart transplant recipient are similar. As with heart transplant recipients, followers of Christ experience times of diagnosis (knowledge of their sick heart), transplantation (replacing their sick heart with the heart of Christ) and living the post-transplant life (the disciplined life with their new heart). Every heart transplant demands the death of a donor. Fortunately, there is an Ultimate Donor.
About the author
JACK’S brother, Ben, received a heart transplant in December 2005. Jack and his wife, Brenda, now live in Springfield, Michigan. He received his Master of Theological Studies degree at Anderson University School of Theology and has served as pastor since 1990. He served as volunteer chaplain for the Muncie Police Department for 18 years. Jack has also held the position of Adjunct Professor of Bible for Anderson University and Tomlinson Center (via Lee University) where he taught: Introduction to the Bible, Minor Prophets, and Hebrew Wisdom Literature.
You may contact Jack via email:
[email protected]