In the past decade the relationship between communities, children and families has inspired a wealth of research and policy initiatives because of a growing belief that the breakdown of families and communities is a significant factor in social problems, including child abuse and juvenile crime. The latest policy initiatives to tackle social problems have therefore targeted communities as well as high risk families.
This title amalgamates the latest research on the relationship between children, families and communities and explores policy and practice implications. Material for practitioners and community development workers is also be included. The book is divided in to three parts:
1) theory
2) the effect of community on children, parents and families
3) interventions and policy implications.
Table of Content
About the Authors.
1 Introduction.
2 Theories of Community Influence.
3 Assessing Neighbourhood and Community Characteristics.
4 The Influence of Neighbourhood and Community Characteristics
on Families and Children.
5 Children and Young People in Communities.
6 Community Interventions and Policy.
7 Community Interventions Aimed at Early Child Development and
Parenting Problems.
8 Children’s Participation in Community Consultation and
9 Schools as Communities and Schools within Communities.
10 Community Based Approaches to Youth Safety and Juvenile
11 Conclusions.