Some of these events were observed by me as a good friend, some told to me as years passed, and some from surprisingly preserved original documents.
But all thats important is I was there, and so were youthat I knew these people, and so did you.
Theres a subtext here, too. As we still struggle today with equal gender rights we often wonder where the anti-feminist male attitudes come from. Witness here the psychology of us guys.
This all takes place a generation or two ago, when conditions, and mores were significantly different. Youll be in a small Midwestern town of less than 8, 000 population, one high school, creating such an atmosphere that today really doesnt seem like such a big deal.
This is before mini-skirts, when anything above the knee was scandalous. Here, a glimpse of a stocking top sent boys into a frenzy. Its a millennium or two before The Pill, and the more common F word for teenagers was fink. Really, it was a long time ago, especially if youve recently gone through your late teens years, and certainly to parents everywhere. Beards and long hair? Your cue for laughter.
The first pair of culottes was displayed then, the girl immediately suspended. Those were still the days of a Dean having a girl kneel downif the skirt or dress material did not touch the floor, it was officially too short. Pants for girls? Are you kidding?
Timewise, the war had already begun, and it wouldnt be long before the drug culture would spread. But, not just yet.
This is about those days; some of its funny, some sad. All of it was, and is, meaningful to me. I lived through it right along with Whatshername and John.
I hope it will be for you.
About the author
Jake Frazier is a pen name for a retired teacher of history, dramatics, and film among other things. He was also a coach of a competitive acting and speech team, and a director of about 35 plays from the high school, college, and community theater levels, acting in as many more, and involved in technical aspects of another 30 or so.
He is a military veteran from the Vietnam era and spent decades in charitable work with many agencies and organizations. He earned an M.A. in Dramatic Literature.
He is a widower, currently residing in Arizona.