Life experiences give us more knowledge then any school or university we can ever attend. This book came from my life experiences. The everyday struggles and conflicts that over takes us are most time hidden inside and never shared with others whom might need this knowledge to survive. I”ve taken the time to sit down and painfully write my understanding of this subject so that those that read this book can see that controlling their Sub-conscious mind can help change the way they see and act when positive and negative situation take over their lives. So, you want to know why I’m qualified? I had a four year old daughter who was sick and the night she died I was at work and couldn”t get any transportation from my boss to the hospital. My wife called me around 12:00pm and I wasn”t able to get to the hospital until 6:30am. Once at the shop I had to take public transportation because my boss wouldn”t take me to the hospital and my wife had my car.
While i was on that bus, my mind was sending out so much negative information that I cried the whole time i was on the bus. Not being able to control picture images coming from your Sub-Conscious mind can make controlling your emotions very hard to deal with. Once at the hospital, the doctor met me in the hall and then gave me the assignment of telling my wife and 7 year old daughter the bad news. This is where my experience to write this book comes in. I had to redirect my thoughts from the pain I was feeling and take control over my emotions just so I could be the strengths my wife and daughter need in order for them to not be over taken by this tragedy. The knowledge I got that night helped me write this book and once you read it you too will be able to control you Sub-conscious mind picture images. After that painful night, I’d decided it was time to share that moment and help those that might be wondering how to control positive and negative events without dealing with the pain of conflicts from their Sub-conscious mind.
7 Ebooks by James Rogers
James Rogers: Understanding the Positive and Negative Thinking
Do you want to know about the Sub-conscious mind? How it works? How it controls the way you interact around others. How it affects the way you think and respond to crisis? How it creates images in yo …
James Rogers: Im Kreis des Werdens
Das Leben ist eine Reise durch Veränderung, Wandlung und Erneuerung. Wie Heraklit schon sagte: ‘Du kannst nicht zweimal in denselben Fluss steigen.’ Die menschliche Erfahrung ist geprägt von einem w …
James Rogers: The Impact of Policy Analysis
Government agencies spend billions of dollars each year for policy analysis with the expectation that improved policy will follow. Although civil servants conduct some analysis themselves, more frequ …
John T. Biggs & Sherry Fowler Chancellor: Particular Passages: Autumn Breezeway