James Wm. Mc Clendon, Jr. (1924-2000) was the most important ‘baptist’ theologian of the twentieth century. Mc Clendon crafted a systematic theology that grew out of the immediacy of preaching the text, refused to succumb to the pressures of individualism, and lamented the stunted public witness of a fractured Protestant ecclesiology.
This third and final volume of his Collected Works provides a compendium of Mc Clendon’s sermons–examples of what he called ‘first-order’ theology...
Table of Content
Introduction to Volume 3
Part I: Waiting: The Coming of the Lord
Part II: On the Way: The Path of Discipleship
Part III: A Whole New World
Part IV: The Time of th...
About the author
James William Mc Clendon, Jr. was a Christian theologian in the Anabaptist tradition and the author of many important works, including Biography as Theology: How Li...