Jan Johnson offers an innovative Advent small-group study built around a careful contextual reading of scripture combined with the imaginative reading approach introduced by St. Ignatius. The title Taste and See hints at how readers are invited to experience the stories of the season with their senses. Drawing on that experience of scripture, participants then consider how these stories speak to their own lives.
About the author
Jan Johnson is a writer, speaker, seminary professor, and spiritual director. She is the author of 20 books and more than 1, 000 magazine articles and Bible studies. Jan has spoken worldwide on spiritual formation. She has served as professor of contemplative spirituality at Azusa Pacific University and Denver Seminary and as professor of Developing Spiritual Disciplines and Reading for Spiritual Formation at Hope International University. Jan holds a DMin in Ignatian Spirituality and Spiritual Direction from Graduate Theological Foundation, a certificate of completion from The Upper Room Academy for Spiritual Formation, and a BS degree from Ozark Christian College.