Analysing recent documentary films dealing with undocumented migration at the Schengen Area’s fringes and against the backdrop of what has been termed the `European refugee crisis’, Jan Kühnemund investigates the interface between migration discourses and image discourses. As an analytical framework, he conceptualises `Borderland Schengen’ as a visual-political transnational space emerging from the interplay of migration movements and border policies. Putting the spaces and iconologies of `illegal’ migration under scrutiny and aiming at establishing their protagonists as subjects, Kühnemund in this regard reads the films as attempts at discursive participation as an aesthetic political practice.
About the author
Jan Kühnemund (Dr.), geb. 1975, erlangte seinen Doktorgrad an der Universität der Künste Berlin (Ud K) und hat zudem einen Master-Abschluss in Politikwissenschaft, Visuelle Medien und Englisch. Er arbeitet an der Europa-Universität Flensburg. Von 2010 bis 2017 war er an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg tätig und koordiniert den Erasmus Mundus-Masterstudiengang »European Migration and Intercultural Relations« (EMMIR). Zudem arbeitet er als freier Journalist.