Maarten J. Verkerk é professor adjunto de filosofia reformacional na University
of Technology of Eindhoven e na Maastricht University, na Holanda.
Jan Hoogland é professor adjunto de filosofia reformacional na University
of Twente e professor de educação formativa na Viaa University of Applied
Sciences, na Holanda.
Jan van der Stoep detém a cadeira de mídia, religião e cultura na Ede Christian
University of Applied Sciences, na Holanda.
Marc J. de Vries é professor de ciência e educação tecnológica e professor
adjunto de filosofia cristã na Delft University of Technology, na Holanda.
4 Ebooks by Jan van der Stoep
Jan (Twente University, the Netherlands) Hoogland & Maarten (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands) Verkerk: Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Technology: An introduction for technology and business students is an accessible guide to technology’s changes , their ubiquitousness, and the many questions these raise. Designed for …
Jan (Twente University, the Netherlands) Hoogland & Maarten (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands) Verkerk: Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Technology: An introduction for technology and business students is an accessible guide to technology’s changes , their ubiquitousness, and the many questions these raise. Designed for …
Sytse Strijbos & Jan van der Stoep: From Technology Transfer to Intercultural Development
The central theme of this book is the intercultural development of technology in a globalising world. Migration, tourism, information and communication technology and international trade stimulate tf …
Maarten J. Verkerk & Jan Hoogland: Filosofia da Tecnologia
A tecnologia tem feito (e confundido) a cabeça de muitos. O mundo muda rapidamente e acompanhar as mudanças não é apenas comprar a última versão do celular ou do aplicativo da moda. Apresentado por u …