The book that cuts through the clutter of decluttering
Modern life has produced so much clutter that the thought of packed closets, attics filled with storage bins, and rental units specifically used to store odds and ends produces its own stress. The decluttering movement offers solutions for those interested in reducing the amount of stuff in their life and embrace a more minimalist, tidier lifestyle.
Professional organizer Jane Stoller helps you bypass the stress of a tidying project by offering simple, proven methods for organizing every space in your life–even your mind!
* Build a new mindset for minimalist living
* Declutter your home, office, and digital life
* Develop new routines for a tidier life
* Establish minimalist practices
From adopting a decluttering mindset to finding new homes for unwanted items, this is the book you’ll need to keep handy after the big cleanup!
Table of Content
Introduction 1
Part 1: Decluttering Starts in Your Mind 7
Chapter 1: The Basics of Decluttering 9
Chapter 2: Creating Your Decluttering Mindset 37
Chapter 3: Forming a Decluttering Game Plan 51
Part 2: Getting Rid of Clutter in Your Home 67
Chapter 4: Decluttering Your Closet 69
Chapter 5: Decluttering Your Bathroom 89
Chapter 6: Decluttering Your Kitchen 105
Chapter 7: Decluttering Your Bedroom 125
Chapter 8: Decluttering Linens and Laundry Areas 135
Chapter 9: Decluttering Your Kids’ Areas 151
Chapter 10: Decluttering Your Garage 163
Chapter 11: Decluttering Your Storage Spaces 183
Part 3: Decluttering Your Workspace and Digital Life 201
Chapter 12: Decluttering Your Office 203
Chapter 13: Shifting from Paper to Digital 215
Chapter 14: Decluttering Your Online Life 227
Chapter 15: Photo Decluttering Once and for All 241
Part 4: The Part of Tens 251
Chapter 16: Ten Reasons to Keep Decluttering 253
Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Label Anything and Everything 261
Chapter 18: Top Destinations to Finally Rid the Clutter 271
Chapter 19: Ten Tips for Organizing What’s Left 279
Index 289
About the author
Jane Stoller is a compulsive organizer who turned her passion into a profitable business, Organized Jane. She travels the world helping individual clients revamp a single space or guiding corporations in overhauling entire businesses. A speaker as well as an author, she also lectures on management skills at Canada’s Vancouver Island University.