JANET Z. GILER, Ph.D., M.F.T., has more than 25 years of experience as a family therapist. She offers training to parents and professionals about the needs of the ADHD/LD population. Dr. Giler has spoken on national television, radio, and at numerous professional conferences on how to teach children with ADHD/LD. To learn more, visit her at www.ADDept.org.
2 Ebooks by Janet Z. Giler
Janet Z. Giler: Socially ADDept
Decodes the often confusing rules of social behavior for all children Socially ADDept helps educators and parents teach the hidden rules of social behavior to children with limited social skills, not …
Janet Z. Giler: Socially ADDept
Decodes the often confusing rules of social behavior for all children Socially ADDept helps educators and parents teach the hidden rules of social behavior to children with limited social skills, not …