3 Ebooks by Jason Chaytor
Sebastian Krastel & Jan-Hinrich Behrmann: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences
Submarine mass movements are a hidden geohazard with large destructive potential for submarine installations and coastal areas. This hazard and associated risk is growing in proportion with increasin …
D.C. Mosher & Craig Shipp: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences
Recent global events such as the devastating 1998 Papua New Guinea tsunami, the 2004 Sumatran tsunami and the 2006 SE Asia undersea network cable failure underscore the societal and economic effects …
Yasuhiro Yamada & Kiichiro Kawamura: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences
Submarine mass movements represent major offshore geohazards due to their destructive and tsunami-generation potential. This potential poses a threat to human life as well as to coastal, nearsh …