Sepsis ist eine lebensbedrohliche Komplikation schwerer Infektionen. Einhergehend mit dem systemischen Entzündungssyndrom (SIRS) führt die Sepsis zum multiplem Organversagen und stellt damit weltweit eine der Haupttodesursachen im intensivmedizinischen Bereich dar. Auch nicht-infektiöse klinische Syndrome wie schwere Operationen, Herzstillstand, Verbrennungen oder Hirntod führen zum SIRS. Um die sehr hohen Todesraten, speziell bei älteren, immungeschwächten und kranken Patienten zu senken, sind detaillierte Kenntnisse und neue Therapieansätze notwendig. Neben den klinischen Grundlagen und der Epidemiologie werden in diesem Band die Pathogenese der Sepsis sowie pathophysiologische Mechanismen besprochen. Zelluläre Funktionen und Regulationskreisläufe werden dabei ebenso diskutiert wie genetische und immunologische Zusammenhänge. Experimentelle Modelle und neue Therapieansätze bieten einen Ausblick in die Zukunft.
Table of Content
Definition of Sepsis and Non-Infectious SIRS (Vincent)
Epidemiology of Sepsis and Non-Infectious SIRS (Reade)
Similarities of the Clinical Aspects of Sepsis and Non-Infectious SIRS (Payen)
Organ Dysfunction during Severe Sepsis and Septic-like Syndromes: Epidemiology, Classification
and Mechanisms (Carlet)
Pathogens in Sepsis : Gram-Negative Bacterial PAMPs and PRRs (Stamme)
Pathogens in Sepsis : Gram-Positive Bacterial PAMPs, PRRs and Superantigens (Alexander)
Pathogens in Sepsis : Fungi and Parasites (Lortholary)
Inflammatory Mediators (Dinarello)
Apoptosis: A Potential Therapeutic Target in Sepsis and Non-Infectious Systemic Inflammation (Ayala)
Role of Endothelium (Ichinose)
Coagulation (Levi)
Epithelial Barrier Dysfunction as a Mechanism in the Pathogenesis of Multiple Organ Dysfunction (Fink)
Neural Regulation of Cytokines (Tracey)
Genetic Polymorphisms and other Parameters that affect Predisposal to Infection and Outcome (Cavaillon)
Altered Immune Status and Leukocytes Reprogramming (Cavaillon)
Experimental Models of Sepsis and Non-Infectious SIRS (Chaudry)
Past, Present and Future of Therapies for Sepsis and Non-Infectious Systemic Inflammation (Suffredini)
About the author
Jean-Marc Cavaillon is head of the department Infection and Epidemiology at Institut Pasteur in Paris, France. Having obtained his academic degrees from Paris University, he spent most of his career working at Institut Pasteur. There, he has been director of the General Immunolgy course, scientific director of Euroconferences, and is head of the research unit Cytokines and Inflammation. Cavaillon has authored 117 scientific publications, 92 reviews and chapters, and a book on cytokines. He has been president of the International Endotoxin Society. He is member of the editorial boards of numerous journals.
Christophe Adrie is physician in Saint-Denis, France and has got his degree (MD, Ph D) from Paris University. His main topics are systemic inflammation in sepsis and non-septic ones with a particular interest to the post-resuscitation phase after cardiac arrest successfully resuscitated on both clinical and biological aspects. He is also member of the Outcomerea database (epidemiological studies) and Family-rea group which studies the relationship between family and medical staff. He has authored 41 scientific publications, 9 reviews and 3 book chapters. He is a member of the French Society of Critical Care Medicine.