Demystifies the academic career path with practical advice
With the number of people being awarded Ph Ds growing far more rapidly than the supply of academic jobs, those at an early-career stage must think strategically in order to be competitive and successful.
Navigating an Academic Career: A Brief Guide for Ph D students, Post docs, and New Faculty is a concise and conversational manual that guides readers through starting their academic journey, surviving the demands of their first academic position, and thriving in academia and beyond.
Volume highlights include:
* Firsthand perspective on the characteristics of a successful academic
* Guidance on interviewing, negotiating, branding, and other essential soft skills
* Tips for effective time management and writing high-impact research papers
* Insights into developing leadership skills and mentoring others
The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.
Table of Content
Preface vii
About the Author ix
Part I: The Ph D Student and Postdoc Years 1
1 An Academic Career 3
2 Traits of Successful Scientists 7
3 Avoiding a Ph D in Anxiety 11
4 Getting Your First Academic Job 15
5 The Academic Matthew Effect 19
Part II: Surviving and Thriving in the First Few Years 23
6 Paper Writing Gone Hollywood 25
7 The Perfect Department 27
8 Ethics in the Real World 31
9 Research Brand Identity 35
10 The 1-Hour Workday 39
11 Orchestrating a Powerful Research Group 41
12 Proposal Writing Hacks 43
Part III: Tenure and Beyond 47
13 Mentoring the Middle 49
14 Research Visits and Academic Growth Spurts 53
15 On Leadership 57
16 The Sustainable Professor 61
17 A Scientist Looks at 60 63
Postface 67
Acknowledgments 69
Notes 73
Further Reading 77
Index 81
About the author
Jeffrey J. Mc Donnell, University of Saskatchewan, Canada