Author: Jianping Yang

Dr. Jianping Yang is an associate professor at Central South University in Changsha, China. His main research interests include advanced materials and technologies in environmental remediation, energy conversion, and pollutant recycling.  He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed SCI journal papers. These papers have cited in SCI journal papers for more than 1600 times, among which more than 1400 times are from other scholars. He has authorized 30 Chinese invention patents. His H-index is 28. He has been awarded the “Outstanding Oral Presentation” of The 8th International Conference on Combustion, Incineration Pyrolysis, Emission and Climate Change, and “Travel Grant” of 12th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. He has been selected as “World”s Top 2% Scientists 2020”. He has published two books as a co-editor and several chapters, such as  [1] Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao, Jing Liu, Hailong Li, Jianping Yang. Non-carbon adsorbents for mercury removal from coal-fired flue gas. Science Press, 2020.  [2] Yongchun Zhao, Hailong Li, Jianping Yang, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Emission and Control of Trace Elements from Coal-Derived Flue Gas: Research, Advances and Studies. Elsevier, 2019.  [3] Jianping Yang, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Chuguang Zheng. Oxy-Fuel Combustion: Fundamentals, Theory and Practice. Chapter 7 Mercury behavior and retention in oxyfuel combustion. 2018, 151-170. 

3 Ebooks by Jianping Yang

Hailong Li & Jianping Yang: Emission and Control of Trace Elements from Coal-Derived Gas Streams
Emission and Control of Trace Elements from Coal-Derived Gas Streams presents an up-to-date and focused analysis on Trace element (TEs) emissions and control strategies during coal utilization. This …
Le Cheng & Jianping Yang: New Approach to Cultural Heritage
This book addresses questions about theories of heritage, its methodologies of research, and where its boundaries lie with tourism, urban development, post-disaster recovery, collective identities, m …
Jianping Yang: 2023 the 7th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science
This book dedicates to publish exceptionally important and high-quality, agenda-setting research so as to tackle the key global and societal challenges of ensuring the provision of energy and protect …