Author: Jim Grozier

Malcolm Cooper has served as a member of the IOP History of Physics group for 30 years, and during that time, has served on the group’s committee in several capacities for many years, including as chairman and secretary. Since 2004, he has served as Editor of the group’s newsletter. Jim Grozier is a retired physicist and engineer, now working as a lab demonstrator at University College London. His research interests include the philosophy of measurement in the physical sciences, and popular (mis)conceptions of special relativity. He is a member of the Committee of the History of Physics Group, and has published frequently on the history of physics.

1 Ebooks by Jim Grozier

Malcolm Cooper & Jim Grozier: Precise Dimensions
Units are the foundation for all measurement of the natural world, and from which standard, our understanding develops. This book, stemming from a conference on the history of units organised by the …