This collection of proceedings focuses on the characterization ofminerals, metals, and materials as well as the application ofcharacterization results on the processing of these materials.Papers cover topics such as clays, ceramics, composites, ferrousmetals, non-ferrous metals, minerals, electronic materials, magnetic materials, environmental materials, advanced materials, and soft materials. In addition, papers covering materialsextraction, materials processing, corrosion, welding, solidification, and method development are included. This book provides a current snapshot of characterization inmaterials science and its role in validating, informing, anddriving current theories in the field of materials science. This proceedings volume will serve the dual purpose of furnishing abroad introduction of the field to novices while simultaneouslyserving to keep subject matter experts up-to-date.
About the author
John S. Carpenter, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Chenguang Bai, Chongqing University.
J. Pablo Escobedo-Diaz, University of New South Wales.
Jiann-Yang Hwang, Michigan Technological University.
Shadia J. Ikhmayies, Al Isra University.
Bowen Li, Michigan Technological University.
Jian Li, Canmet MATERIALS.
Sergio Neves Monteiro, Military Institute of Engineering.
Zhiwei Peng, Michigan Technological University.
Mingming Zhang, Arcelor Mittal.