Author: John Hausdoerffer

Gavin Van Horn es el director creativo y editor ejecutivo del Center for Humans and Nature. Su obra participa de la conversación entre humanos, nuestros parientes no humanos y el paisaje animado. Es el coeditor (con John Hausdoerffer) de Wildness: Relations of People and Place y (con Dave Aftandilian) de City Creatures: Animal Encounters in the Chicago Wilderness; y es el autor de The Way of Coyote: Shared Journeys in the Urban Wilds.

10 Ebooks by John Hausdoerffer

John Hausdoerffer & Gavin Van Horn: Wildness
Whether referring to a place, a nonhuman animal or plant, or a state of mind, wild indicates autonomy and agency, a will to be, a unique expression of life. Yet two contrasting ideas about wild natur …
Heather E. Keith & Kelly A. Parker: Pragmatist and American Philosophical Perspectives on Resilience
The essays in Pragmatist and American Philosophical Perspectives on Resilience offer a survey of the ways that ‘;resilience’ is becoming a key concept for understanding our world, as well as providin …
Katherine Kassouf Cummings & John Hausdoerffer: What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be?
As we face an ever-more-fragmented world, What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be? demands a return to the force of lineage-to spiritual, social, and ecological connections across time. It sparks a m …
Robin Wall Kimmerer & Gavin Vam Horn: Planeta
Vivimos en un asombroso mundo de relaciones. Compartimos lazos que nos unen con nuestros congéneres, pero también con otros seres. Esta comunidad de vida a la que pertenecemos es nuestro parentesco. …