‘Fighting The Good Fight of Faith’ is a guide to ‘Spiritual Warfare’ that deals with the Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why of the battle of the ages. The reader will come face-to-face with the enemy of his or her soul and learn how to fight the good fight of faith.
The author has identified the location of the battle, the reason for the war, the weapons needed to win and the strategy necessary to become a victorious Christian.
This is an easy read with many Bible references and spiritual insights. It is written as an instructional guide with the child of God in mind. Its purpose is to equip the church in its walk with God and the never-ending fight against Satanic attacks. There is also a brief look at the authority of the believer.
The author has also added a special section of anointed Christian poetry for the reader’s edification and encouragement.
Table of Content
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter One: The Face of the Enemy?
Chapter Two: Why Do We Have To Fight
Chapter Three: Where Is The Battlefield?
Chapter Four: What Weapons Do We Use?
Chapter Five: What Is Our Battle Strategy
Chapter Six: Can We Opt-out and not Fight?
Chapter Seven: What Is, ‘The Good Fight of Faith?’
Chapter Eight: What Is, The Believer’s Authority?
About The Author
Selected Encouraging Poems
About the author
Rev. Marinelli is an ordained minister, He has formed and been pastor of one church in Wisconsin and was the pastor of another in Alabama. He has also been a youth minister and evangelism director over the years. John is an accomplished Christian poet. He also dabbles in songwriting, likes to play chess, sings karaoke and goes fishing now and then. He lives in north central Florida where he enjoys a retired lifestyle with his wife and two collies.