‘The Face of Divine Destiny’ is a study of God’s divine destiny in the lives of Old and New Testament saints. It is an attempt by the author, to capture the ebb and flow of life’s path towards eternity. We will use the Biblical character, Abraham, from the Old Testament and his family to track the movement of God’s ‘Divine Will’ among his children.
We will also examine the face of divine destiny through the eyes of Romans 8:28-30 found in the New Testament. We will see it in blessings, in tragedy, In the power of good and evil, in restoration and in today’s crazy upside-down world.
We will also address the theological implications of the ‘Sovereignty of God’ and the ‘Free Will’ of man as they interact in real life situations.
Current day lifestyle applications will also be discussed that apply to Christian doctrine in modern-day times.
Table of Content
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter One: The Face of Divine Destiny
In The Blessings of God
Chapter Two: The Face of Divine Destiny
In The Face of Tragedy
Chapter Three: The face of Divine Destiny
In The Struggle For Restoration
Chapter Four: The Face of Divine Destiny
In The Restoration of A Nation
Chapter Five: The Face of Divine Destiny
In A Crazy Upside-Down World
About The Author
Gallery of Poems
About the author
John is retired, living in north central Florida with his wife and Nellie, his collie dog. He enjoys chess, karaoke and writing Christian themed books. He is an accomplished Christian Poet and ordained minister of the gospel. He spent 35+ years in sales and marketing and pastered a church over the years. He is a Bible teacher and author of several plays, songs and musical shows.