The only complete reference for Windows command lineutilities Instant results for time-crunched IT professionals The last thing you want as a busy systems administrator is to clickendlessly through the Windows GUI every time you need to perform asimple task. Want a better solution? Windows Administration at the Command Line reacquaints you with the often-overlooked utilitiesaccessible through the command line in Windows 2003, XP, and2000.Locate files, check system status, secure and monitor systems, andbest of all, save time by using scripts to automate yourtime-consuming management tasks. This practical book reveals allthe command line utilities and puts them right at your fingertips.The only resource on the market with the complete set of Windowscommand line utilities, this hands-on reference gives you solutionsthat yield superior results compared to GUI-based utilities, increasing your productivity in the field.Inside you’ll find:* The complete set of all Windows command line utilities* Real world scenarios that focus on practical applications* Information on third-party utilities and scriptingtechniques* Instructions for using the .NET Framework utilities* A preview of Windows Vista utilities including detailedinstructions for using Monad and MSH* An appendix with 52 command line tricks and techniques In the Field Results Provides seasoned systems administrators with advanced tools, knowledge, and real-world skills to use on the job. Going beyondwhat the standard documentation or classroom training provides, these practical guides address the real situations IT professionalsface every day, offering streamlined solutions to improveproductivity.
Table of Content
Introduction.PART 1: STANDARD WINDOWS UTILITIES.Chapter 1. Usiing the Command Line Effectively.Chapter 2. Completing Data-Specific Tsks.Chapter 3. Discovering the System Status.Chapter 4. Locating Files and Other Resources.Chapter 5. Securing and Monitoring a System.Chapter 6. Using Developer and Low Level Utilities.PART 2: USING WINDOWS AUTOMATION.Chapter 7. Creating CMD and BAT Files.Chapter 8. Working with Scripts.Chapter 9. Scripting for Active Directory.Chapter 10. Using Tsk Scheduler Effectively.Chapter 11. After Hours Automation Scripting.PART 3: RELYING ON THIRD PARTY AUTOMATION.Chapter 12 Obtaining Command Prompt Enhancers.Chapter 13. Increasing Productivity at the Command Line.Chapter 14. Editing and Compiling Batch Files and Scripts.PART 4: WORKING WITH THE .NET FRAMEWORK UTILITIES.Chapter 15. Understanding the .NET Framework Versions.Chapter 16. Cinfiguring the .NET Framework.Chapter 17. Configuring ASP.NET.PART 5: WINDOWS VISTA SPECIAL FEATURES PREVIEW.Chapter 18. Using the Enhanced Vista Utilities.Chapter 19 Working with Monad.Appendix: 52 Indispensable Command Line Tricks and Techniques.Glossary.Index.
About the author
John Paul Mueller, consultant, application developer, writer, and technical editor, has written over 300 articles and 68 books, including the recent Mastering Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition (Sybex 2006). His topics range from programming and operating systems to home security and accessibility. He has contributed articles to such magazines as Dev Source, Pro, Inform IT, SQL Server Professional, Visual C++ Developer, Hard Core Visual Basic, and Visual Basic Developer. His Web site is