The bestseller returns–completely updated to include thenewest hardware, software, and techniques for building your ownarcade
Interest in classical arcade games remains on the rise, and witha little money, older computer hardware, and a little effort, youcan relive your arcade experiences by building your own arcademachine. The hands-on guide begins with a description of thevarious types of projects that you can undertake. It thenprogresses to a review of the audio and video opti...
The bestseller returns–completely updated to include thenewest hardware, software, and techniques for building your ownarcade
Interest in classical arcade games remains on the rise, and witha little money, older computer hardware, and a little effort, youcan relive your arcade experiences by building your own arcademachine. The hands-on guide begins with a description of thevarious types of projects that you can undertake. It thenprogresses to a review of the audio and video options that areavailable and looks at the selection of game software and cabinetartwork. Ultimately, you’ll learn essential troubleshootingtips and discover how to build arcade controllers and machines thatyou can enjoy at home with your PC.
* Serves as a soup-to-nuts guide for building your own arcademachine, from the sheets of wood to the finished product
* Addresses the variety of arcade controls, including joysticks, buttons, spinners, trackballs, flight yokes, and guns
* Explains how to interface arcade controls to a computer
* Shares troubleshooting tips as well as online resources forhelp and inspiration
Project Arcade, Second Edition helps you recapture theenjoyment of your youth that was spent playing arcade games bywalking you through the exciting endeavor of building your own fullarcade machine.