John T. Spivey breaks Revelation free from the confusing futurist interpretations and shows that St. John wrote to the Early Church to build its faith during persecution by the Roman Empire. He further shows that St. John predicted the fall of the Roman Empire. Mr. Spivey calls on many ancient historians and Early Church fathers to present their testimonies to show that Revelations predictions are subject to analysis and proof. He shows that St. John described the desolation of Judea and the deliverance of the Christian community from the destruction of Jerusalem in the Roman-Jewish War of AD 66-70 as completed events to build confidence in what would happen in the time of Roman persecution. Mr. Spivey also explains the millennium and the end of time in fresh, new ways that are scientifically sound and that affirm the Bible at every point.
About the author
John T. Spivey is a retired aerospace engineer. One of his military aircraft assignments led to a three-year stay in Australia as chief engineer. A lay preacher and Bible teacher, he is a lifelong student of history. He lives near Greenville, Texas, with his wife, Anna.