Author: Jon Brown

Jon Brown is Head of Strategy and Development for The NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). He is a qualified Social Worker with a Masters in Social Policy from the London School of Economics. Before joining the NSPCC, he served as Operational Director of Children”s Services for Action for Children. From 2003-2007 he was Chair of the National Organization for the Treatment of Abusers, and he remains on their National Executive Committee. He is also a Trustee of the Loudoun Trust, a Board member of e NACSO (European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online), and a peer reviewer for the Economic and Social Research Council.

5 Ebooks by Jon Brown

Jon Brown: Online Risk to Children
Online Risk to Children brings together the most up-to-date theory, policy, and best practices for online child protection and abuse prevention. * Moves beyond offender assessment and treatment to di …
Jon Brown: Online Risk to Children
Online Risk to Children brings together the most up-to-date theory, policy, and best practices for online child protection and abuse prevention. * Moves beyond offender assessment and treatment to di …
Jon Brown: more REAL
LESS > Fake LESS > Shame LESS > Masks MORE > Real Jesus promises ‘life and life to the full’. So why do so many people walk away from faith – and not just teenagers but people who have be …
Marcus Erooga: Protecting Children and Adults from Abuse After Savile
The high profile reporting of child sexual abuse carried out by Jimmy Savile over decades has had far reaching-consequences, raising public awareness and concern, yet we continue to uncover new cases …
Jon Brown: Il meglio di te stesso
Nel profondo della coscienza si trova un regno misterioso e spesso trascurato: il vostro mondo interiore. È qui che troverete l’essenza di chi siete, dove risiede il vostro io più vero. Qui scopriret …