Elihu Katz is Distinguished Trustee Professor of the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania and Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Communication, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His first book, Personal Influence (with Paul Lazarsfeld), explored the linkages between mass media and networks of interpersonal communication. In the 50th anniversary edition of this book, Katz traces its lineage to French social psychologist Gabriel Tarde. With Jerusalem as home base, Katz has divided his time with the University of Chicago and the Annenberg Schools at USC and Penn. He established the Communications Institute at the Hebrew University, was founding director of Israel”s public TV channel, and scientific director of the Guttman Institute of Applied Social Research. Katz was awarded UNESCO”s McLuhan Prize and Burda”s “In Medias Res, ” and holds honorary degrees from the Universities of Ghent, Montreal, Paris, Haifa, Rome, Bucharest, Quebec and Northwestern.Christopher Ali (PhD Uniiversity of Pennsylvania, 2013) is an Asst. Professor in Media Studies, University of Virginia, and has published in scholarly journals including Media, Culture & Society and International Journal of Communication. His research interests lie at the intersection of communication policy and regulation, critical theory, comparative media systems studies, and localism.Joohan Kim is an award-winning communications professor and researcher at Yonsei University. His research focuses on the work of conversation in public opinion formation, the effects of positive emotion in communication processes, the methods of enhancing communication competence and non-cognitive capacities, and measuring communication effects through neuroscientific methods. He is author of the best-selling books Resilience and Writing Thesis through Structural Equation Modeling in Korea. He has also published in such journals as Journal of Communication and Communication Theory.
1 Ebooks by Joohan Kim
Christopher Ali & Elihu Katz: Echoes of Gabriel Tarde
Originally published in 1898, Gabriel Tarde’s essay "Opinion and Conversation" can be read as a series of propositions about the interaction of press, conversation, opinion and action, anti …