José Luis Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano is Professor in social work with four different degrees: social assistance, social work, educational practice, and philosophy and educational sciences. He is Associative Professor, Director of two masters, Government Counsellor, and Director of the research group PADI-SEJ-452 Research in Social Sciences and Social Politics at the Pablo de Olavide University, Spain, in Social Work and Social Sciences. He is Director of the Seville Social Work College and Author of numerous articles, books, and researches, e.g. “L’expansion de la connaissance en ouvert: Les MOOC”, published by Octaedro. His main research areas are dependence and disability; studies on employability and work; gender; community intervention; social intervention, childhood, and family; family mediation; methodology in social work; migrations and multiculturalism; ethnic minorities; social movements; old people; social policy; professional outings; sectors of population at risk of exclusion; social services; and individual, group, and community social work and volunteering.
Fabrizio Maturo obtained his Ph.D. in “economics and statistics” and is Researcher in biostatistics at the National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland. He is qualified to function as an associate professor in statistics in Italy and Romania. He is Chief Editor of the international journal Ratio Mathematica and Co-Editor of the international book Mathematical-Statistical Models and Qualitative Theories for Economic and Social Sciences published by Springer. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems published by IOS Press and of the Journal of Statistics and Management Systems published by Taylor & Francis and participated in the editorial board of many other international journals. His main research interests are biostatistics, DAGs, diversity, functional data analysis, fuzzy logic, multivariate statistics, statistical model for business and management science, item response models, econometrics, and R statistical programming. His past teaching activity regards statistics, mathematics, and computer science.
Šárka Hošková-Mayerová is Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic. She is Co-Author of the monograph Quality of Spatial Data in Command and Control System and Co-Editor of four books published in Springer publishing house. She is Author or Co-Author of several chapters of books and papers in valuable journals (e.g. Soft Computing, Computers & Mathematics with Applications;Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanţa-Seria Matematica; and Quality & Quantity). She is Chief Editor of the journal Ratio Mathematica and Associate Editor of the Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems published by IOS Press. Moreover, she is Member of the editorial board of various journals, e.g. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics and Advances in Military Technology.
Her areas of interest are mathematical modelling, decision-making process, algebraic hyperstructures, and fuzzy structures.
4 Ebooks by José Luis Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano
José Luis Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano & Fabrizio Maturo: Qualitative and Quantitative Models in Socio-Economic Systems and Social Work
The main purpose of this book is not only to present recent studies and advances in the field of social science research, but also to stimulate discussion on related practical issues concerning stati …
Esteban Vázquez Cano & Eloy López Meneses: La expansión del conocimiento en abierto: los MOOC
Desde los inicios de los cursos masivos en abierto (MOOC) en 2008, han pasado cinco excitantes años en el mundo de la formación. El panorama parece iniciado y relativamente consolidado, por lo que pa …
José Luis Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano & Juan Manuel González González: Modelo de intervención ante la violencia filioparental
La violencia filioparental es un fenómeno emergente y que aún tiene pocas propuestas me-todológicas para la intervención en nuestro país. Esta obra aporta una visión innovadora que arroja una propues …
Isotta Mac-Fadden & Eloy López Meneses: La marginalidad avanzada para el desarrollo sostenible de la ciudadanía global
Hoy, más que nunca, es indispensable reflexionar y enfatizar la necesidad de un cambio en la intervención social con respecto al desarrollo sostenible de la ciudadanía global, haciendo hincapié en el …