Joseba Zulaika received his licentiate in philosophy from the University of Deusto, Spain, in 1975, his M.A. in social anthropology from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, in 1977 and his Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from Princeton in 1982. He has taught at the University of the Basque Country, at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and at the University of Nevada, Reno, since 1990, where he is currently affiliated as a researcher with the Basque Studies program.
6 Ebooks by Joseba Zulaika
William Douglass & Joseba Zulaika: Terror and Taboo
Terror and Taboo is about the mythology of terrorism; it is an exploration of the ways we talk about terrorism. It offers incontestable evidence to support the idea that we give power to terrorism by …
William Douglass & Joseba Zulaika: Terror and Taboo
Terror and Taboo is about the mythology of terrorism; it is an exploration of the ways we talk about terrorism. It offers incontestable evidence to support the idea that we give power to terrorism by …
Joseba Zulaika: Basque Violence
This book captures the complexity and humanity of one of the most agonizing of contemporary problems-that of terrorist violence. Basque Violence is in fact a pioneering attempt to give a fully contex …
Joseba Zulaika: Hellfire from Paradise Ranch
In this intimate and innovative work, terror expert Joseba Zulaika examines drone warfare as manhunting carried out via satellite. Using Creech Air Force Base near Las Vegas as his center of study, h …
Joseba Zulaika: Terrorism
In counterterrorism circles, the standard response to questions about the possibility of future attacks is the terse one-liner: Not if, but when. This mantra supposedly conveys a realistic approach t …
Joseba Zulaika: Aberriaren inpaseak
‘Ez gaude Iraultza garaian. Ez gaude Erreforma garaian. Nire tesia da inpase garaian dagoela euskal politika eta gizartea’. Ez aurrera eta ez atzera egoteak sortzen duen ezinegonetik abiatu da Joseba …