Author: Josef Seethaler

Dr Josef Seethaler is deputy director of the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC), which is hosted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Klagenfurt. He also works as a lecturer at the universities of Vienna and Klagenfurt, and participates in several international projects, e.g., ‘Worlds of Journalism’ and ‘Media Pluralism Monitor’ (on behalf of the European Commission). He is member of several scientific advisory boards and works as a reviewer for highly ranked journals and various scientific associations. He has mainly published on political communication, political journalism and the development of media systems. Contact: Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC), Austrian Academy of Sciences, University of Klagenfurt, 1010 Wien, Bäckerstraße 13, 1. Stock, Vienna, Austria.

8 Ebooks by Josef Seethaler

Josef Seethaler: Selling War
This book is the first collection of essays to explore the changing relationships between war, media and the public from a multidisciplinary perspective and over an extended historical period. It is …
Jurgen Grimm & Leonie Huddy: Dynamics of National Identity
Globalization, immigration and economic crisis challenge the conceptions of nations, trans-national institutions and post-ethnic societies which are central topics in social sciences’ discourses. …
Jurgen Grimm & Leonie Huddy: Dynamics of National Identity
Globalization, immigration and economic crisis challenge the conceptions of nations, trans-national institutions and post-ethnic societies which are central topics in social sciences’ discourses. …
Thomas Hanitzsch & Josef Seethaler: Journalismus in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
Der Band liefert eine Zustandsbeschreibung des Journalismus in einer Zeit, in der Medieninstitutionen ökonomisch unter Druck stehen und journalistische Autoritäten zunehmend hinterfragt werden. Das …
Marlis Prinzing & Josef Seethaler: Regulierung, Governance und Medienethik in der digitalen Gesellschaft
Unsere stark von netzbasierten und global verflochtenen Machtstrukturen geprägten Gesellschaften offenbaren angesichts globaler Herausforderungen und Krisen (u.a. menschengemachter Klimawandel; …