A major aim of Comparative and Global Pedagogies: Equity, Access and Democracy in Education which is the second volume in the 12-volume book series Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research, edited by Joseph Zajda and his team, is to present a global overview of recent trends in equity and access in education globally. By examining some of the major education policy issues, particularly in the light of recent shifts in education and policy research dealing with equity and access, the editors aim to provide a comprehensive picture of the intersecting and diverse discourses of globalization, education and policy-driven reforms. The impact of globalization on education policy and reforms is a strategically important issue for us all. More than ever before, there is a need to understand and analyse both the intended and the unintended effects of globalization on edu- tional systems, the state, and relevant policy changes – especially in terms of equity and access, as they affect individuals, educational bodies (such as universities), policy-makers across the globe. Current education policy research dealing with equity and social inequality reflects a rapidly changing world where citizens and consumers are experiencing a growing sense of uncertainty, exclusion and loss of flexibility. Yet globalization exposes us also to opportunities generated by a fast changing world economy.
Table of Content
Main Trends and Issues in Equity, Access and Democracy.- Globalization, Comparative Education and Policy Research: Equity and Access Issues.- Interruptive Democracy in Education.- The Role of Education and Training in the Empowerment and Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees.- Equity and Democratic Education in Ghana: Towards a Pedagogy of Difference.- Access Denied: A Story of Resistance.- Race, Gender, and Equity.- Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Swedish Education: Policy Discourses and Dangers.- The Gender Agenda: The Limits and Possibilities of Global and National Citizenship Education.- Globalization, Education Reforms and Immigrant Students in Canada.- Globalising the Universal: Equity, Policy and Planning.- Teacher Candidates’ Racial Identity Formation and the Possibilities of Antiracism in Teacher Education.- Education for Equitable Outcomes or Educational Inequality: A Critical Analysis of UNESCO’S Education for All and the United States’ No Child Left Behind Programs.- Gender and the Case of Girls’ Education: Organizational Learning in International Development Agencies.