For Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, medical intuitive and psychic whose learned skills have helped many families understand the glorious side of the dying process. It This process involves angels, multitudes of deceased family and friends, the spirits of deceased pets, and countless serendipitous (and miraculous) moments that are all part of a prescribed series of events she calls the Twelve Phases of Transition™.
During what is normally an incredibly heart-wrenching time, families almost always experience profound comfort once Julie describes what’s happening from the perspective of the spirit world—including which spirits and deceased pets from the “other side” have come to assist the dying person, what the person needs and whether they are in pain (when they can’t talk for themselves), and how close they are to actually passing.
The information Julie coveys brings peace at a time that seems filled with anything but peace, and a new way for those left behind to embrace life through what they learn about the experience of death.
Reading the remarkable, heartwarming, and even amusing stories in this book will change your life.
Table of Content
PART I – Background
Chapter 1: My Story
Chapter 2: My Introduction to Angelic Escorts
Chapter 3: What to Expect From this Book
PART II – What I See
Chapter 4: The 12 Phases of Transition
Chapter 5: A Walk to Heaven
Chapter 6: Additional Angelic Assistance
PART III – Transition Stories
Chapter 7: Licorice for Louie
Chapter 8: Miss Rose and the Rosary
Chapter 9: The Whole Team for Jeanne
Chapter 10: Farrell Finds Forgiveness
Chapter 11: Precious Jade
Chapter 12: Marlene Makes a U-Turn
Chapter 13: Soulmates in Life and Death
Chapter 14: The Train Wreck
Chapter 15: The Passing of Saint Pope John Paul II
About Julie Ryan
What People Are Saying About Julie Ryan
About the author
Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and businesswoman. She has invented surgical devices that have been sold throughout the world and has founded several companies in the medical, natural gas, advertising, long-term care, compliance, and data breach prevention industries. Julie’s psychic and medical intuitive skills are learned. What she sees and senses helps comfort people caring for a dying loved one while at the same time helps them understand their place in this world and the bigger picture of life in the next.