Do you ever wonder about the greatest mystery of all? What happens to the soul when we die?
We will all loose someone dear to us and our beliefs certainly have a big influence on how we cope.
This book sets out to show you just how magical and amazing life is in this world and beyond the material world.
Gran let out her last breath. As mum watched she said that the room filled with the most beautiful colours she had ever seen, and she watched her face go back to being young.
One thing that he told me truly astonished me. He said that he could draw himself out of his body through here pointing to an area we know as the third eye and that he could travel anywhere in the universe at the speed of thought.
About the author
June started life in suburban Leeds a quiet shy girl with little self-confidence. Little did she know what a mysterious and interesting life lie ahead of her.
Her experiences during her late teens gave her a thirst to know ‘The Truth’ for which she drew inspiration from many sources, including her mum Joyce who was a Spiritualist and a healer, and many other magical characters that she met along life’s path. She is also a mother of seven (now grown up)
She and her Zambian born friend Jennifer Musakanya co-founded a charity, which cares for and educates orphans in Mpika, Zambia. Please see for details of our project.
June is now a popular and well-known member of her community in the village of Denholme, Bradford, where she runs a charity shop along with a lovely bunch of volunteers.