Do you want to manage your cashflow better and get rid of financial stress?
Do you put finance products such as health insurance and mortgages in the too-hard basket?
Money for Nothing is a call to action to wise up, get smart and get your finances in order. Complete this 12-week financial fitness program and discover how to make substantial savings running into the thousands!
Learn how to:
* get better deals, cut fees and other unwanted charges from your daily spend, and redirect your money where it’ most important to you
* understand your financial profile and how to get the best value for money when choosing your essential finance products
* shop around using the latest research from CANSTAR and other comparison sites.
By breaking down the jargon and busting the fine print on everything from mortgages, car loans, personal loans and health insurance to car insurance, credit cards, superannuation, tax and much more, Justine Davies helps you make good choices on the key financial products and services in your life.
Table of Content
About the author ix
Introduction xi
Week 1: Get your stuff together 1
Week 2: Fine-tune your car insurance 11
Week 3: Health check your health insurance 25
Week 4: Supersize your super 41
Week 5: Indulge in a savings frenzy! 63
Week 6: Attack your credit cards! 75
Week 7: Renovate your mortgage 91
Week 8: Personal insurance 113
Week 9: Where there’s a will … 139
Week 10: More insurance 151
Week 11: Tax stuff 167
Week 12: Spending smart 181
Appendix A: Balance sheet 201
Appendix B: Annual budget 203
Appendix C: Health insurance — what do I need? 207
Appendix D: Asset classes 209
Appendix E: Key home loan facts 211
Index 221
About the author
Justine Davies is a financial planner, journalist, author and blogger who loves educating people about money.