Examining the work of Lacan and Freud, Cho argues that a theory of pedagogy is already embedded within psychoanalysis. Psychopedagogy is the name given to this embedded theory. Through a discussion of key psychoanalytic concepts, as well as a variety of other topics, Cho develops the contours of psychopedagogy.
Table of Content
Pedagogy with Psychoanalysis PART I: PROLEGOMENA TO ANY FUTURE PSYCHOPEDAGOGY The Unconscious: A Form of Knowledge On the Ego and Other Strategies of Resistance Transference or, When Discourses Shift: Toward a Theory of Psychopedagogical Technique PART II: SECONDARY REVISIONS Wo es war : Marxism, the Unconscious, and Subjectivity Pedagogy of the Repressed or, Repetition as a Pedagogical Factor Education by Way of Truths: Lacan with Badion Lessons of Love: On Pedagogical Love Teaching Abjection: The Politics of Psychopedagogy
About the author
K. DANIEL CHO is Assistant Professor of Education and the Director of the Program in Critical Theory at Otterbein College, USA.