The volume is a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary approach to analyzing an enormously significant region in ways that clarify the kind of everyday life and work that is generated in a major urban global manufacturing site amid insecurity, inequality, and a virtually absent state.
Table of Content
Preface: Living and Working in a Global Manufacturing Border Urban Space: A Paradigm for the Future?; K.Staudt The Global Economic Model Globalization, Trans-border Networks, and Mexico-U.S. Border Cities; C.M.Fuentes & S.Peña PART I: SECURITY AND SAFETY IN THE BORDER REGION Death at the Border; J.Monárrez Fragoso The Disarticulation of Justice: Precarious Life and Cross-Border Feminicides in the Paso del Norte Region; J.Monárrez Fragoso & C.Bejarano Surviving Domestic Violence in the Paso del Norte Region; K.Staudt & R.Robles Ortega PART II: GLOBALIZED PRODUCTION, URBAN SPACE, AND PUBLIC SERVICES Globalization and its Effects on Urban Socio-Spatial Structure in a Transfrontier Metropolis: El Paso, TX-Ciudad Juárez, CHIH-Sunland Park, NM; C.M.Fuentes & S.Peña Global Production and Precarious Labor: Harness Production in Ciudad Juárez; M.Miker Palafox PART III: LIVING WITH GLOBALIZED RISKS: POVERTY, IMMIGRATION, AND EDUCATION Centering the Margins: The Transformation of Community in Colonias at the U.S.-Mexico Border; G.Nuñez-Mchiri & G.Klamminger Schooling for Global Competitiveness in the Border Metropolitan Region; K.Staudt & Z.Méndez Alianza Para la Calidad de la Educación and the Production of an Empty Curriculum; Z.Méndez Toward New Governance? Good Governance in a Globalizing Tri-state Bi-National Region; T.Payan
About the author
KATHLEEN STAUDTis Professor of Political Science/
Investigadora Visitante at University of Texas, US Aat El Paso/El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, (COLEF)/Ciudad Juárez, USA.
JULIA MONÁRREZ FRAGOSOis Research Professor of Sociology at the COLEF/Ciudad Juárez, USA.
CÉSAR FUENTES is Economist and Research Professor at the COLEF/Ciudad Juárez, USA.