This book sheds fresh light on developments in British nuclear weapons policy between October 1964, when the Labour Party came back into power under Harold Wilson following a thirteen year absence, and June 1970 when the Conservative government of Edward Heath was elected.
Table of Content
List of Illustrations Series Preface Acknowledgments List of Abbreviations Introduction The Labour Government: The Inheritance of Polaris and Anglo-US Nuclear Relations, 1964-1966 The Question of Polaris and UK/US Responses to Soviet Anti-Ballistic Missiles, 1964-1966 Britain, the United States and the Reform of NATO Strategy, 1964-1966 Britain, America and Allied Tactical Nuclear Weapons Planning, 1964-1966 The Second Wilson Government and the Maintenance of Polaris, 1966-1970 ABM Systems and Arms Control, 1966-1970 NATO and Flexible Response, 1966-1970 Britain, America and Allied Tactical Nuclear Operations, 1966-1970 Conclusion Notes Bibliography Appendix: Table: British Nuclear Ordnance 1964-1970 Index
About the author
KRISTAN STODDART is a research assistant at the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, UK, and a member of the Centre for Intelligence and International Security Studies. Previously he was a Research Fellow at the Mountbatten Centre for International Studies, University of Southampton.