Heike Schweitzer holds the chair for private law, European economic law and competition law at the University of Mannheim and is director of the Leibniz Science Campus “Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation” (Ma CCI). Before joining the Mannheim law faculty, she held the chair for competition law at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). Her research focus lies in the area of competition law, including competition and regulation of liberalised industries, state aid law and public procurement law.
Kai Hüschelrath is head of the Research Group “Competition and Regulation” at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim and coordinator of the Leibniz Science Campus “Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation” (Ma CCI). Since April 2009 he is Assistant Professor of Industrial Organization and Competitive Strategy at the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar.
6 Ebooks by Kai Huschelrath
Kai Hüschelrath & Heike Schweitzer: Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe
Over the past fifteen years, the optimal enforcement of EU competition law has become a major concern. This book contains a unique collection of articles by lawyers and economists on current issues i …
Kai Hüschelrath: Competition Policy Analysis
Competition policy is an integral and prominent part of economic policy-making in the European Union. The EU Treaty prescribes its member states to conduct economic policy ‘in accordance with the pri …
Peter Forsyth & David Gillen: Liberalization in Aviation
The last few decades have witnessed substantial liberalization trends in various industries and countries. Starting with the deregulation of the US airline industry in 1978, regulatory restructuring …
Peter Forsyth & David Gillen: Liberalization in Aviation
The last few decades have witnessed substantial liberalization trends in various industries and countries. Starting with the deregulation of the US airline industry in 1978, regulatory restructuring …
Kai Huschelrath: Kartelle klipp & klar
Kartelle fügen Volkswirtschaften weltweit schwere ökonomische Schäden zu, die nicht nur aus Preiserhöhungen für die entsprechenden Güter oder Dienstleistungen bestehen, sondern gleichzeitig auch red …