Dr. Michael Richter ist Historiker am Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung an der TU Dresden.
4 Ebooks by Karel Vodička
Clemens Vollnhals: Jahre des Umbruchs
A comparison of the political changes that took place in the German Democratic Republic, in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary in the years 1989/1990 shows a large amount of mutual influence.The focu …
Karel Vodička & Günther Heydemann: Vom Ostblock zur EU
In the post-Communist countries of the EU a number of structural parameters have survived the transition that distinguish them from the other, more established democracies of the European Union – as …
Karel Vodička: Die Prager Botschaftsflüchtlinge 1989
1989 – what a fateful year! In the autumn of 1989 Czech and German history touched each other in a very special way. Tens of thousands of East German citizens fled to freedom through Prague. The very …
Günter Verheugen & Karel Vodička: Demokratie im postkommunistischen EU-Raum
Das Buch analysiert die Lage der Demokratie in elf postkommunistischen EU-Mitgliedstaaten und in Ostdeutschland. Dreißig Jahre nach den friedlichen Revolutionen in Mittel- und Osteuropa gibt es Erfol …