Karen Ann Bulluck”s corporate career spanned three decades and culminated with a position of Executive Vice President and board member at an important financial-services company. Karen was blessed to have worked in a company where her integrity was rarely challenged, but she saw the struggles of friends and families in other companies who weren”t so fortunate. After receiving a Professional Coach certification, she left her corporate career in 2018 to become a Writer and Coach, inspiring and supporting people in their own quest for integrity, freedom and joy. Karen holds a B.A. in English from the University of Virginia and an M.S. in Organization Leadership from Regis University, Denver, Co. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and two very spoiled cats. For more about Karen and her work, visit www.karenannbulluck.com.
1 Ebooks by Karen Ann Bulluck
Karen Ann Bulluck: Discovering Power
IT Executive Sheryl Simmons is successfully climbing the corporate ladder, when her company’s culture takes an unexpected turn, in her opinion, for the worse. Suddenly questioning her career and her …