J.B. (Jim) Stump (Ph D, Boston University) is senior editor at Bio Logos, where he oversees the development of new content and curates existing content for the Bio Logos website and print materials. He has also been a philosophy professor and academic administrator, and he frequently speaks to churches and other groups on topics at the intersection of science and Christianity. He is the author of Science and Christianity: An Introduction to the Issues, coauthor of Christian Thought: A Historical Introduction and coeditor of The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity.
2 Ebooks by Kathryn Applegate
Kathryn Applegate & J.B. Stump: Cómo cambié de opinión sobre la evolución
Quizás no haya otro tema potencialmente tan amenazador para los evangélicos como la evolución, especialmente en ciertos contextos. Es una idea que de por sí parece ya excluir a Dios. Sin embargo, muc …
Kathryn Applegate: How I Changed My Mind About Evolution
Over two dozen Christian leaders describe how they changed their minds about evolution Perhaps no topic appears as potentially threatening to evangelicals as evolution. The very idea seems to exclude …