I was born in 1960 in Western Australia and I’m the of daughter of Betty and Neil Barron.
I have three sisters and three brothers of which I am in the middle. I was married in 1985 and have three wonderful children Lisa-Rae, Rebecca and Luke. I also has three adorable grandchildren Nikala, Ashleigh and Peter.
After the death of my mother at the end of 1985 I started to wonder what my thing in life was. What was I meant to do I had two children and no mother to guide me. Thoughts of my mother pushed me towards writing. I found it helped.
I started writing an environmental novel that has still not been completed. I also attempted several other stories ranging from romance to murder. After the birth of my son in 1992 I started writing children stories.
Having written nine children stories I decided to send them off to see if they could be publish. But alas no one was interested. Disappointed I tried to stop writing but found I could not.
I was given some advise from one agency which I took on and I continued to write.
My father also thought it was a good idea for me to write and gave me a few fatherly suggestions, he liked to read, he suggested I try spy novels which I also attempted. Just before his death in 2002 we were making notes of his life, ‘Dads Memoirs’, which is still incomplete.
I have continued writing not only children’s stories but stories for teenagers as well with the encouragement now coming from my children.
Staying At Granny’s was originally written using a different name for the child but when my first granddaughter was born I decided to change the name. My granddaughter Nikala now 8 was so wrapped when she found out her name was in the book she asked me to read it to her class, which I did. The response was good so I decided to attempt getting it published again . And here it is.
It just goes to show if there is something you like and enjoy doing don’t give up just keep plodding along and life will help it all work out.
3 Ebooks by Kathryn Powell
Kathryn Powell: Staying at Granny’s
Staying at Grannys is a story about a little girl called Nikki who loves spending time at her grannys because Granny always had something new, Granny always had something to do and Granny always had …
Kathryn Powell: Bioactive Peptides
Bioctive peptides are small peptides composed of between 3 to 20 amino acid residues. Plant and animal food proteins are a source of a big number of bioactive peptides. These peptides have different …
Joav Merrick & Soren Ventegodt: Textbook on Evidence-Based Holistic Mind-Body Medicine
Holistic medicine, or quality of life as medicine, as we often call it, is basically a strategy for improving the patients quality of life, through mobilizing of inner resources. This can never harm …