A goal of higher education is to develop students into leaderscapable of guiding modern society. Too often, though, theleadership development curricula does not address the diversity ofstudent populations, a critical failing if the new leaders are torespond comprehensively to societal issues. By addressing theintersection of undergraduate leadership development and studentdiversity, this volume provides insight on effective programmingand intentional interventions, offering paths to optimize thedevelopment of all students’ identity and capacity tolead.
Table of Contents
* A Changing World Calling for New Leaders
* Defining Leadership Language and Guiding Models
* Diverse Student Identity and Capacity Development
* Environment Matters
* Exemplary Programs and Characteristics of Effective Practices
* Implications for Policy, Practice, and Future Research
This is Volume 39 Issue 4 of the Jossey-Bass publication ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph in theseries is the definitive analysis of a tough higher educationproblem, based on thorough research of pertinent literature andinstitutional experiences. Topics are identified by a nationalsurvey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned towrite the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of eachmanuscript before publication.
Table of Content
Executive Summary vii
Foreword xi
A Changing World Calling for New Leaders 1
Leadership and Diversity 4
Guiding Framework 5
Organization of Monograph 7
Contributions of Monograph 8
Defining Leadership Language and Guiding Models 11
Distinguishing Leader and Leadership 13
Distinguishing Leader and Leadership Development 15
Th e Individual: Leader-Based Models 16
Th e Process: Leadership-Based Models 21
Diverse Student Identity and Capacity Development 29
Student Identity and Capacity Development 30
Diverse Student Identity Development 39
Diverse Student Leader Identity 43
Diverse Student Leader Capacity 50
Environment Matters 55
National Context 56
Institutional Context 58
Curricular and Cocurricular Context 62
Exemplary Programs and Characteristics of Eff ective Practices 67
Exemplary Programs 67
Characteristics of Eff ective Practices 77
Guiding Questions for Eff ective Programming 84
Implications for Policy, Practice, and Future Research 89
Policy Implications 90
Practical Implications 91
Contributions to Future Research 93
Conclusion 94
Notes 101
References 103
Name Index 115
Subject Index 119
About the Authors 123
About the author
Kathy L. Guthrie
is assistant professor of higher education and coordinator of the Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies at Florida State University.
Tamara Bertrand Jones
is assistant professor of higher education at Florida State University.
Laura Osteen
is director of Florida State University’s Center for Leadership & Social Change.
Shouping Hu
is professor of higher education at Florida State University.